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Monday, February 15, 2010

Lots of driving!

Yesterday, we went out to preview some properties. We headed out to five properties. It is all a jumble now, but it caused us to do a little soul searching and the creation of a new list of properties to look at.

Right now, we are getting ready to head out to see if any of these are possibilities. Looks like we are going to see 8 houses, so it is going to be a big day with more driving.

Normally, I like going for a drive, but when you don't always know exactly where you are, your brain works overtime to make sense of it all. For me, it makes me a little car sick. I do now have a better understanding of where things are and how all the different cities connect on the back roads. After years of off and on study of maps, it is just a little different in person. Mainly, the problem is that on-line maps don't put the city boundaries in. Even print maps don't always put them in. As a result, your perception of where cities are is more related to where the different maps print the city name. Often it really throws you off because cities you thought were farther apart actually touch!

Okay, back to the car!

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